That night I went to a bookstore nearby to search for the book. After reading some part of it, I purchased the book and finished reading it within 3 days.
Talked with my wife about it and though the book did not cover how to make wealth according to Syariah's way, we intend to take the local concept and customised them accordingly.
For Malaysian people trying to learn about personal financial planning, this is the book for you. All the basic is there. You can easily adapt the ways as it is local content from fellow Malaysian and differed from other personal financial books authored by foreigners.
The concept to pay yourself first makes sense. And this is especially to build reserve fund for emergency cases later or to save for rainy days. Then you can start to build turbo charged income. Turbo charged income can be from various ways and it can include what you like doing i.e if your hobby is fishing, perhaps you can write a book about how to hand-made certain fishing tools. Or if your hobby is photography, you can write something on photography or sell your pictures to the magazines or papers. Almost anything can be done and most importantly is that you will be doing what you like and make money from it!
The most serious thing to make money as informed by the writer is to invest in yourself. That can be from attending seminars, reading related books, socialising with like-minded people and etc.
Once we are well informed and well equipped with knowledge about what we want to invest and also being ready mentally, we can invest in lots of things i.e building businesses, stocks, properties and etc. This book will teach you about investing in properties and to be specific residential properties. In fact, the writer actually made his million from investing in properties. That is why most of his subject will touch about investing in properties and this is shown through his other published books that will cover more in the properties subject.
Equipped with the little knowledge from the book and Azizi Ali's advise to invest in knowledge, we then look up for ways to learn about investing in stocks and properties. One day, I saw a newspaper advert about a half day seminar titled How to get rich from Malaysian stock and Properties. We immediately registered to attend this half day seminar at Holiday Villa Subang and reserved our schedule to attend this first seminar for us.
The presenter Milan Doshi is great. He has the authority to speak on these matters due to his background, experience and knowledge. He first talks about Stocks and how we can make money from market in crisis. Though he admits that it is slightly different in Malaysia due to political interference and etc. In all, to make money in stocks, you have to spend much of your time to study the market and the fundamentals of the counters to invest, there is another way that is to invest in trust fund. With trust fund you will actually let other people to manage your investment for you with certain fees of course. If they make the right call then you'll be ok otherwise you'll not make much money or worse if the fund manager doesn't do his homework well then you'll be paying for it as the fund manager will still be paid his salary. Thus, it is the reason why Robert Kiyosaki does not encourage people to invest in Unit Trust or Mutual Fund as you'll be handing over you money to other people to manage and with that you lose control. Unless then if the fund manager or unit trust agent will advise and update you of your investment. But this is rarely so! As per experienced by myself, I have not received any updates on my investment in a Syariah Unit Trust even when asked for. Anyway I do keep track of the performance from my own reading.
Then going on to properties, as per Robert Kiyosaki's mentioned, you make money when you buy. Milan informed that we can look for desperate seller or something like it. We may also look for properties put up for auction. At the end of the seminar, they invite us to attend their 3 days property workshop in which they'll teach us all about properties investing. The promo video looks interesting and with the follow-up made it looks irresistable. However as the fee is quite high and with the workshop includes to purchase a property or more within the 6 months of follow-up we waited until we attend Azizi Ali's property seminar.
Yes, in between the registration to this seminar we have actually enrolled to attend the 1 day property seminar by Azizi Ali also at Holiday Villa Subang. The Master of Ceremony for this seminar was Halim Othman. We attended another seminar on making money through internet at Holiday Villa Subang before the scheduled Property Seminar.
I'll be writing more about the Property Seminar and also about the internet seminar in my next entry. I'll also write about our experience buying a residential unit with just only 1% down payment at one of the Home Expo before the Property Seminar.